The Scientific Achievements

The "full list" of scientific discoveries – or, at least, of those that are recorded in this blog (unlike Jan 1, which leaves them out, this version includes the special list for the epoch of Sanctorius which is on March 29; this list is also chronological, where the Jan 1 list follow the calendar) - though I confess that I am beginning to have my doubts about quite a few of them: how many of these “so-called” achievements have actually done more harm than good?:

Names in green are on the Index of Names;
names in Amber are among the Merely Mentioneds

648 BCE: 
Archilocus is the first to make a written account of an eclipse (on April 6); there are others on June 4 and Oct 13, while June 4 disputes his “firstness”. April 6 also records eclipses on January 9th 2001, in August 1978 in Botswana, and on August 21 2017, plus the Transit of Venus on June 8 is mentioned, but not blogged on that date

Mikolaj Kopernik's "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium" published (March 21)


1602: Tycho Brahe's "Astronomia Instauratae Progymnasmata" locates 777 fixed stars (March 29) (Galileo Galilei is working on gravitation and oscillation but hasn’t risked publishing yet)


1603: Fabricio di Acquapendente discovered vascular valves (though he didn’t really; it had been known about for centuries) (March 29)


1603: Hugh Plat discovered coke by heating coal (March 29)


1604: Giambattista Della Porta described a machine that could use steam pressure (March 29)


1605: Gaspard Bauhin published "Theatrum anatomicum", an encyclopaedia of anatomy (March 29)


1606: Galileo Galilei invented the proportional compass (March 29)


1608: Johannes Lippershey invented the telescope (March 29)


1609: Johannes Kepler published his 1st and 2nd Laws in "Astronomia Nova" (March 29)


1610: Galileo Galilei discovered the first 3 satellites of Jupiter (see the Index of Names for his other listings) (Jan 7)

1610: Jean Beguin created "Tyrocinium chymicum", the first chemistry textbook [in the Christian world] (March 29)

1610: Thomas Harriot discovered sunspots (surprising that Galileo didn’t see them first; he is recorded in the same year, using Lippershey's telescope to observe the satellites of Jupiter) (March 29)


1611: Marco de Dominis published a scientific explanation of rainbows (March 29)


1611: Santorio Sanctorius devised a temperature scale for Galileo's air thermometer (melting snow = 0 degrees, boiling water = 110 degrees)


1611: Orion Nebula discovered by Nicholas Peiresc (Nov 25)


1614: John Napier calculated logarithms (March 29)


1614: Santorio Sanctorius published "De medicina statica", a study of metabolism and perspiration (March 29)


1616: Willebrord Snellius proved the laws of refraction and
1617: the same man established the technique of trigonometrical triangulation for cartography (March 29)

1618: Johannes Kepler announced the 3rd law of planetary motion (March 8)

[and I am including this here, but only because pub quizzes still think this is the correct answer: 
1619William Harvey “discovered” what the Arab world had known for centuries, the circulation of the blood (March 29)]

1626: Sanctorius adapted his thermometer for use with humans (March 29)

1627: Kepler published the Rudolphine Tables, map-referencing 1005 fixed stars (March 29)

1629: Giovanni Branca in "Le Machine" described a steam turbine (March 29)

1629: Christiaan Huygens discovered Saturn's rings (April 14), and then, in 1655, Titan, Saturn’s moon (March 25)

1629: Albert Girard introduced brackets and abbreviations into mathematics (March 29)

1656: Edmund Halley, he of the comet, born today in 1656 (Nov 8)

1684: Gottfried Leibniz published his invention of Calculus (see Nov 18 but more on the Index of Names)

1719: the first recorded display of Aurora Borealis in the US - apparently twenty thousand year old Algonquin tales of the fire built by Nanahbozho don’t count as genuine recordings (Dec 11)

1781: Uranus discovered by Frederick William Herschel (March 31 and Nov 15)

1783: First manned balloon flight, by Jean de Rozier and the Marquis d'Arlande on Nov 21

1787: first steam-powered boat demonstrated (Dec 3)

1797: the first parachute jump was made, by AndrĂ©-Jacques Garnerin (Oct 22)

Giuseppe Piazzi discovered the first asteroid, Ceres (Jan 1)

1807: The first street to be lit by gas lamps can be found on Jan 28

1839: first ever photograph of the moon, taken by Louis Daguerre (Jan 2)

1843: Robert Koch, the German bacteriologist who discovered the anthrax disease cycle in 1876, the bacteria responsible for tuberculosis in 1882, and that of cholera in 1883, can be found celebrating his own birthday in good health on Dec 11

anaesthesia first used in dentistry by Horace Wells (though actually the pioneering work on N2O (nitrous oxide or laughing gas) was done fifty years previously by Humphry Davy (Dec 11)

1846: Neptune discovered by Johann Gottfried Galle (Sept 23)

1846: C.F. Schoenbein obtained the patent for cellulose nitrate explosive on Dec 5; but does this really count as an achievement, or should it go with Henry Ford’s cars on a special GER list for the sciences?

1851: Two of Uranus' moons - Ariel and Umbriel - discovered by William Lassell (Oct 24)

1876 Daniel Stillson of Massachusetts patented the 1st adjustable pipe wrench Dec 5 (believe me, for people in the trade, this was a huge scientific achievement)

1877: Asaph Hall, US astronomer, discovered the two moons of Mars (Phobos and Deimos) on Aug 11

1877: The first recording of human speech may or may not have been made today by Thomas Edison (Nov 20)

1879: the 1st automatic telephone switching system patented - by Almon B Strowger as it happens, in Kansas City (Dec 5)

1893: 1st electric car, the "Still Car", but also the Fetherstonhaugh, the former named for its creator, William Joseph Still (Dec 5)

Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovered X-rays (Nov 8 )

1896: Radioactivity discovered by Henri Becquerel (March 1)

1897: Joseph Thompson, discoverer of the electron, is blogged on his 1856 birthday (Dec 18), but the great achievement actually took place on April 30 1897

1902: Pierre and Marie Curie isolated radium (April 20)

1925: Cosmic Rays named, and reported, by Robert Millikan in the journal “Science”, though actually the work had been done by Victor Hess in 1912 (Nov 11)

1911: an airplane was used in war for the first time: (well they obviously thought it was a major piece of human progress) Oct 22

1930: Planet Pluto “discovered” by Clyde Tombaugh at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona (Feb 18)

1933: “Edwin Howard Armstrong, inventor of FM radio”, can be found “born today in 1890” on Dec 18. When I first put these scientists’ names on the blog, I was too busy finding the names to research them any further; so a number are listed for their birthday (which does not merit inclusion on a scientific achiements list), because I didn’t know the date of their real achievement(s). In Armstrong’s case it was December 26 1933, and so I am listing him here on that date

1934: instantaneous phonograph recording was made possible - by who though? The Library of Congress (click here) offers an entire pdf of information about the development of the recording industry, but no name (Oct 22)

1938: something called a Xerographic copier was invented, by one Chester F. Carlson, a machine that I take to be the Xerox (Oct 22)

1945: First atom bomb tested (July 16, but see Jan 27)

1945: Microwave oven patented by Percy L. Spencer (Dec 7)

1948: the first solar heating system was set up, by Maria Telkes, in Dover, Massachussetts (Dec 24)

1948: the Zoom lens patented by Frank G Back (Nov 23)

1949: RCA Victor unveiled the 45 rpm record (Feb 1)

1955: Dr. Jonas Edward Salk reduced polio to virtually zero with one vaccine? (Oct 28)

1957: Sputnik 1 (USSR), the first manmade space satellite, launched (Oct 4)

1959: Explorer 6 takes the first photos of Earth from space (Aug 7); and in the same year Luna 3 became the first satellite to photograph the far side of the moon (Oct 4, but see Oct 7 for my questioning the whole thing)

1961: Yuri Alexseyevich Gagarin, on board Vostok 1, became the first man in space; launched on April 12

1961: Vostok 2 orbited the earth 17 times (Aug 7)

1964: China set off its first atom bomb (Oct 16) - America has carried out more than fifty nuclear tests over the years, starting on July 16 1945, and not including Hiroshima and Nagasaki

1967: the first successful human heart transplant, surgical team led by Dr Christian Barnard (Dec 3 )

1966: Luna 9 launched on Jan 31; Luna 10 became the first spacecraft to orbit the moon on April 3; and Lunar Orbiter 7 photographed the first image of Earth from the vicinity of the Moon on Aug 23

1969: Apollo 11, the first manned lunar landing mission, launched. The first man to walk on the moon’s surface, Neil Armstrong, did so at 4:17 pm (that’s 02.56 GMT) on July 21

1970: Lunokhod I, landed on the moon (Nov 17)

1971: Apollo 14 launched (Jan 31)

1971: Soyuz 11 (the first humans to die in space) launched on June 6

1971: The first satellite launched from a manned spacecraft (Apollo 15) on Aug 4

1971: Mariner 9  became the first spacecraft to orbit Mars (Nov 13), while Mars 3 made the first softlanding on Mars on Dec 2

1972: Apollo 17, the final manned lunar landing mission, launched (Dec 7)

1973: Pioneer 10 made the first flyby of Jupiter (Dec 3)

1975: Apollo and Soyuz docked in space (July 17); later that year  Venera 9 returned the first photographs of Venus' surface (Oct 22)

1976: Viking 1 landed on Mars (July 4), and I am by no means clear what the difference is, but Viking 2 “softlanded” on Mars later in the same year (Sept 3)

1977: Concorde began flying to New York from London and Paris (Nov 22)

1978: Charon (Pluto's moon) discovered by James Christy and Robert Harrington (June 22)

1978: Pioneer Venus 1 became the first craft to orbit Venus (Dec 4)

1979: Voyager 1 passed Jupiter (March 5)

1980: Photographs taken from Voyager 1 identify ninety-five separate rings of Saturn (Nov 7); its closest approach to Saturn is on Nov 12

1981: Voyager 2 made its closest approach to Saturn (Aug 25)

1982: the first artificial heart transplant sadly failed on Dec 2, but see Dec 3 (and 1967, above)

Pioneer 10 became the first manmade object to leave the solar system (June 13)

1984: Apple unveiled the Macintosh computer (Jan 24); that’s Bill Gates I believe, who can be found on Oct 28

1984: The first hotographic evidence of another solar system presented (Oct 15), and at the same time the first "planet" outside our solar system was discovered - the man responsible for that latter was Dr Donald McCarthy Jr (Dec 10)





There are also huge numbers of "discoveries" on the China pages that need adding, but, as observed in my intro to that page, they don't really count as genuine and authentic scientific discoveries anyway, because that description can only apply if you are male (they fit on that account), white (debateable; they are generally regarded as a pale shade of yellow), European (definitely not) and Christian (most certainly not). The example below is not the earliest; I just haven’t got around to going through them all yet.


c200 BCE: The multi-tube seed drill was invented 


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