February 13


In the last year of Hitler's War, Henrietta Szold, daughter of Baltimore, Maryland,  editor of the American "Jewish Year Book", founder of the Hadassah Medical Organisation, for six years (1927-1933) the executive officer for health and education on the World Zionist Organisation's governing body, for twelve years (1933-1945) the director of Youth Aliyah and as such one of the principal rescuers of Jewish children from the Nazi paedophage, co-founder of Ihud, the only political party in what was then British Palestine to insist on a single-state, bi-national solution... died of pneumonia where she would have wanted to die, in the hospital she herself had built, on Mount Scopus, in Jerusalem, at the age of eighty-one. Chagall painted the windows.

And when I had my own home in Baltimore, Maryland, I hung around my sitting-room the complete set of Chagall windows that I had found unwanted in a GoodWill store in North Miami, and bought them for just $10 - 16"x10" black metal frames, stained glass, like the originals, but in miniature; they must have taken the artist hundreds of hours to make, and cost him just as much in dollars for the materials.

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